Om os

Historien om PlayNSafe begynder med Copla’s to visionære direktører, Lars og Palle, hvis passion for børns sikkerhed og miljøbevidsthed førte dem til at skabe deres eget faldunderlag til legepladser.

Året var 2020, og Lars og Palle indså behovet for et legepladsfaldunderlag, der kunne overgå de eksisterende standarder. De så behovet for et produkt, der kunne opfylde tre centrale krav: hurtig og let montering for montører, miljøvenlighed og ikke mindst høj sikkerhed.

Ved at genbruge sammenpresset og fast dækgranulat, skabte de et produkt, der ikke kun var sikkert for børn, men også havde en minimal miljøpåvirkning.

Det mest banebrydende ved vores faldmåtter er dog det intelligente monteringssystem. Dette system gør det muligt for montører at montere faldunderlaget hurtigt og enkelt, hvilket ikke kun sparer tid, men også reducerer omkostningerne ved montering og vedligeholdelse for legepladser overalt.

Med PlayNSafe er vi dedikeret til at skabe legepladser, der ikke kun er sikre og sjove, men også respekterer vores miljø og efterlader en positiv indvirkning på samfundet.

Why choose PlayNSafe?

  1. Eco-Friendly Excellence
    Our commitment to sustainability is at the core of our products. From our innovative fall mats to unique balance balls, 92% of our materials are sourced from recycled tire granules. Play with peace of mind, knowing you've made an eco-conscious choice.
  2. Unrivaled Safety Standards
     Safety is non-negotiable at PlayNSafe. Our meticulously designed products meet and exceed industry safety standards. Protect your little ones with the confidence that our playground solutions are crafted with their well-being as the top priority.
  3. Durable and Danish-Designed
    Our playground products not only boast environmental and safety benefits but are also designed with durability in mind. Danish-designed, they seamlessly blend quality, aesthetics, and longevity, ensuring your playground remains a safe and enjoyable space for years to come.
  4. User-Friendly Installation
    We understand the importance of hassle-free installation. PlayNSafe products prioritize user-friendliness for installers, making the setup process a breeze.

100% play with 100% security.

100% Design

We develop our products ourselves to meet our customers' needs 100%

100% Europa

We sell and supply to both small and large companies throughout EU

100% Play

Our products have been tested to extreme play

92% Recycling

Our products are made from 92% recyclable rubber


Quick and easy to install

92% recycled material

DIN EN 1176/1177 certified

Easy access to play for everyone

Protects nature and insects

Easy to maintain with a lawn mower

Can be laid directly on soil and sloping surfaces

Innovative interlocking system


Kratholmvej 63
5260 Odense S
+45 862 880 45